Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Who we are

We thought we should share more about us and our hopes and dreams!  Our names are Rachel, Sabrina, and Becca. We met in August 2010 and have been friends ever since! We soon found out that we all had a great love for serving others and wanted to do something that would make a difference in the world. After searching through many websites we found one that we fell in love with. It is a humanitarian trip to either Kenya or Ghana, Africa to work with the children in the orphanages! We knew this was the one we wanted to go on. And our goal is to leave in the late summer of 2012.
We chose the name "Jumoke" (Joo-mo-keh) as the title of our Blog because in the African language, it means "Everyone Loves the Children". We all felt that this is the perfect name because every child deserves to know that they are loved and cared about. Even if its just by one person, children need to have that connection and feel that they are important to someone. We want to raise awareness for the children out there that don't have anyone to take care of them, and to challenge people to show those in your lives that you do love them.
We started this blog as a way to let people know that it is possible to make a difference in this world and that the most important thing is to follow your dreams! We will keep you updated on how we are doing to reach our goal to get to Africa, as well as everyday happenings, and inspirational thoughts.
We hope all of our readers enjoy!